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Duncan Faber

Girl in Maxi Dress Sets of Sprinkler System at Park - then this happened

Posted on June 12 2013 by DuncanFaber

Girl in Maxi Dress Sets of Sprinkler System at Park - then this happened

It all started innocently enough. Me and my girlfriend were enjoying a nice picnic at one of our local parks. We had the blanket and everything. Wine glasses, cheese platter, finger sandwiches. I really went all out for this one 'cause I was in the dog house for some things I said about her mother. How was I supposed to know I was on speaker phone?! Jeesh. Anyway, we were having a romantic little thing, when all of the sudden I noticed this girl, she must've been ten years old, come cartwheeling in. She was doing roundoffs, tucks, handsprings, the whole thing. The girl looked as if she stepped out of the circus, she was that talented. I also remember she was wearing a maxi dress similar to this one. Dresses are my speciality on account of being raised with four sisters, and they loved girls fashion. Well, this girl must've landed on top of a sprinkler head or something, because she somehow trigged all of the nozzles in the field to go off. Water was spraying everywhere. It was like being caught in a huge downpour. I was pretty pissed because I spent a lot of money on those appetizers on account of call my girl's mom a sperm whale. But believe me, it's not because she's fat, although she is. It's because she dates a lot!

The grass was soon flooded with H2O splashing everywhere. It was pure mayhem, bedlam even, as park goers and nature fans ran for high ground. You've never seen people sprint so fast. Everyone got the hell out of there, except for one person: the girl in the maxi dress. She was just spinning and twirling around and frolicking like nothing was out of the ordinary. She was cool as a cucumber in that dress. I don't know if she set the hoses off intentionally, but she certainly was enjoying herself as if the whole thing was planned. At first, everyone was furious. But that soon changed. Even though my girlfriends outfit was completely soaked, but she was laughing hysterically despite herself. Before long, everyone was laughing and pointing at the girl in the maxi dress. And some were even joining in on the fun. They ran onto the grass and danced and jumped just like the girl! Not me, however. I was still pretty pissed about my lunch. "Who's gonna pay for all this wet cheese?!" I shouted.

Anyway, when everything calmed down, the girl presented herself. She said she's a rabid fan of maxi dresses, having bought almost her entire collection from a website called TwirlyGirl. I went to the site and checked them out. Indeed, they had a maxi dress just like this girl was wearing, so I take her story to be true. Here's the link if you want to see it. Later.

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